If you're a Christian man struggling with sexual sin, you can be FREE! Conquer sexual addiction with Grace! 


of divorces cite spouse's porn use as a primary factor.* 


of Christian men struggle with unwanted sexual behavior.**


of pastors admit to struggling with porn.***

Do any of these sound familiar?

Porn Use
Chat Rooms
Live Sex
Paying for Sex
Same Sex Attraction
Dangerous Sexual Behaviors
Behaviors that Hurt a Spouse
Constant Sexual Thoughts
Sexual Flashbacks
Overspending for Porn
Chronic Masturbation
Sexual brokenness
Compulsive Sexuality
Unsatisfied with Relationships

We help Christian men break free from unwanted sexual behavior and develop a Christlike character.

married couple sad after a confession

Warfare of Grace has helped 100's of men break free from the grasp of sexual addiction! 

Your story can be redeemed for God. God is not done with you. You are not beyond the reach of His grace.
There is hope! Warfare of Grace is here to give you the tools, support and counsel you need to get on track and put your unwanted sexual behaviors to rest for good. Through a model of health called narrative therapy, we will use your story to explain the lies the enemy has embedded deep in your soul, and together we will fight them with grace!


Being truthful is a courageous thing to do.  It's hard to let another person know all about you when for so long we have lived in an environment where our sin will be met with shaming and judgement. Warfare of Grace is all about combatting that! When you share stories with us, you'll receive grace and a caring attention. Everyday more men are opening up about their stories of hurt and finding how letting others in can change the course of our lives! 

The Problem: We can't connect with God because of sin.

God is faithful and just to forgive (John 1:9), but we often have sin that continues to block our relationship with Him. When that sin becomes an addiction, our body becomes trained to push away God and seek an idol for gratification. We can't get right pleasure from knowing God because we have a stronghold of sin built into our bodies. An addiction. God, then, is present, but we cannot access him because of OUR brokenness. 

The Solution: Using God's truth to change the lies stored in our bodies!

Our bodies have been programed to seek our idol, but it doesn't have to be that way! God gave us minds and bodies that can change and adapt to that which we prioritize and value.  If we set our will to fight against the desires of our body, we can change the way our brain works, and with it the way our body calls out for our idols. Warfare of Grace coaches are trained to help you find what is driving your sinful behavior and help you replace it with the truth of God;s love and redemptive plan!

Addiction Feels Hopeless


The church has been tricked. Sexual sin has crept in through a secret door into most of the lives of churchgoers. This rampant movement is taking away our ability to meet with God and feel His grace... But it doesn't have to.

Warfare of Grace exists to free men from the shame of sexual addiction into spiritual leadership by the biblical warfare of grace. 

At the root of the issue is isolation. Our coaches can help guide you out of isolation into freedom through healing communities online and in-person or through one on one consultations. If you're a Christian, you can be set free. We can help. Contact us now and make this your day to rise from the battlefield in victory. 

Are you ready to fight for purity?

about warfare of grace:

George S.

Age 62

"...knowing that I am not alone in this ongoing battle with hell is crucial to guys trying to fight off addiction 'one now at a time.'"

happy man

David M.

Age 27

"Warfare of Grace has provided a place that I have felt safe enough to finally be completely honest about the things that have happened in my life."


Purity Coaching

One on one biblical counsel online or in person! Coaching gets you a strategy to fight fast!

Healing Groups

Healing in a group setting. The fellowship and sharing is a vital piece of combat gear.

Pastoral Training

Boot camp for pastors. You'll learn what to do when one of your fellow soldier's cries out for help!

what does warfare of grace mean to you?

Paul R.

Age 30

"The one on one counseling has been particularly impactful and has helped me to really dig into the root issues which have driven my addiction...'"

Wayne S.

Age 56

" goes beyond the material. I find it very helpful to be lead by a pastor who struggles with the same issues I do, who shares openly and encourages me to do the same. "

> How does this work?<

01. The Call

Because every situation is different, Warfare of Grace uses a discovery call to assess the situation. First we want to get to know you: where you're at and how best we can help. If you have an idea of what you are looking for, or were referred for a specific service, we'll get all that squared away! If you're not up for a call, click here to submit an online discovery and we'll get started!

02. The Community

When you connect with WOG, you become a part of our community. You can call in times of need, support others, and learn to walk in the light. Here, it's safe. Here we take a stand against the enemy together. You will be encouraged to join a local band of brothers and your purity coach will walk with you throughout your day to day. Here, no one slips through the cracks. We are all known and loved!

03. The Conquest

Your Warfare of Grace coach will work strategically through your one on ones, community, and healing group to identify key concepts in your recovery struggle and help you submit those to God. With practical, psychological and Biblical tools, you will find freedom and peace in Jesus Christ. We know, because we have seen it, and lived it, ourselves. Join the men who are saying, "I'm brand new!"

Meet Devon.

Devon is a long time pastor and Jesus follower whose world was rocked by sexual addiction. Through God's process of emptying and filling, Devon has been commissioned by God to bring hope and healing to other men who need a friend in the struggle against unwanted sexual behaviors! He has 15 years of ministry experience, a MA in Spiritual Formation and is the founder and primary coach at Warfare of Grace. 

Victory that lasts...

"I am able to say I have had long periods of sobriety. I have come out with a deeper relationship with Jesus and a better understanding of the addicted brain."

- Mark

HVAC Pro, age 30


A relationship of grace...

"I cannot express how much being in coaching with Devon has changed my life. Devon is grace through and through."

- Stephen

Web Designer, age 28


Wisdom and insight...

"... the depth of insight and ability to counsel effectively are as good as a couple of the best counselors that I have had in over 30 years of counseling."

- Bryan

Teacher, age 53
