Support and Donations


When I, Devon, began the process of healing my mind I had no idea that I had been living a half-life for years. As a man heals from sexual addiction, his mind awakens to a new reality. Finally, he is able to meet and interact with God in an earnest way. Prayers become life giving. The grace of God begins to sustain joyful living. It's a beautiful blooming process that leads to strength, care and Christian service. This is what the donations to Warfare of Grace are doing. Check out how Bruce describes it...

"On the night of the first meeting, I did not even know who I was. God was distant and I was no longer connected. I no longer knew who I was. [But] now I have a picture of myself that Jesus wants me to become! A new man with a path to hope. Greater still, I have a vision of God. He is leading me towards sanctification by the POWER of His Spirit."

Thank you in advance for all the love you are sharing through this gift of funds. Churches are the lifeblood of Warfare of Grace and make possible salaries, sessions and expansion into more churches and communities. We are overjoyed at the chance to bring life change into the hearts of the local church.

But maybe you want to do more than just send money to Warfare of Grace? If you would like to enter our network of Ally Churches, you can click here or follow the button to schedule a meeting with us. We'd love to talk with you about how we can be of service to you in your context! 

man and son

Warfare of Grace is practical and Christ-centered. There are a number of Christian resources on sexual addiction and pornography, and a growing availability of practical secular resources out there to help... but few that make Christ the center and integrate faith with practical application. Warfare of Grace does both.

Even T.

Youth Pastor

recovered man

For me, Warfare of Grace means finally getting down to the nitty-gritty of why these behaviors occur and learning in a faith based community how to appropriately deal with the addiction. Finally, I get WHY I couldn't get out of this pattern and HOW to get back on track! 

Kyle M.

Security Officer

Ways to support Warfare of Grace

In addition to general funds, Warfare of Grace has some more integreative opportunities for support. If you have any questions you can email us at

Do you know someone who needs the freedom that comes from recovery? Do you want to show love to them or to a person who cannot pay for themselves? Sign up for our "Fellow Soldier Initiative" and give the gift of healing to your friend in need!

Want a special speaker for your service or event? We'd love to come! It's an honor to get to meet you and explain the dynamics of the struggle the church is facing. With a topic like this, often it can be difficult to have the right words to say. We can speak, preach, do Q&A or create a custom experience that fits your needs. 

Warfare of Grace is an Amazon Affiliate! By clicking the button below and doing your normal Amazon Shopping, you can support Warfare of Grace with kickbacks on your purchases! Thank you so much for taking this simple step to help us out so much!

want to talk to us about support?